Johnson & Turner apply World's Best Graffiti Coating to new construction at Cal State Los Angeles.
Cal State Los Angeles new student accommodations were being completed at the very same time students were coming back to campus. World's Best Graffiti Coating was specified for the final finish.
Johnson & Turner Painting Company applied coating to over 20, 000 square feet of brick in just two days. The ease of application and working with an odorless product was a great relief to their painters and students who were moving in while the coating was being applied.
The objective here was to preserve the natural look of the brick as much as possible and provide long term graffiti protection.
World's Best Graffiti Coating is a sacrificial coating that offers excellent long lasting protection for all natural building surfaces including brick stone and masonry. It dry's matte in finish and remains flexible allowing walls to breathe. Once applied, any subsequent graffiti can be quickly removed without a trace using Bare Brick Stone & Masonry Remover followed by a cold water rinse with a pressure washer.

Application by airless is quick and easy and the 'forgiving' matte finish and ease of removals means any resulting overspray can be quickly cleaned off. In this case Johnson & Turner did a professional job taping off windows and window mullions before spraying.
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