Municipal pack

Exclusively available to Cities, Govt. Agencies, BIDS & Schools. Prequalification may apply.

Of course, we already know our products work! We've done all the testing. But we're willing to bet you've been disappointed before, so we're offering you this free trial pack to make your decision that much easier.

This kit will cost you nothing and is an obligation free trial. We only ask one thing from you in return, can you please let us know how you like the products?

You can call us anytime on 1-888-747-9247 or email

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  • Demo Gallery
  • Product Info
  • Testimonials

Product Description 

This pack is intended for professionals who want to make their graffiti removal job much, much easier. Trial the system, read the illustrated color manual, watch the training video; We know you will love it!

Pack contains:

Go Green with World's Best Graffiti Removers

For further information, see technical data sheets.

graffiti on brick
graffiti removal from brick
graffiti on stone
graffiti removal from stone

Visit our Demo Gallery for more removal jobs.

Adam, got the samples. They are great! They worked as well for me as they did for you. We will be re-ordering ASAP.

Steven Huffman, Crew Chief 

City of Forest Grove Parks

With 18¼ years experience with the City of Carlsbad, I thought that I had a PhD in graffiti removal, until we used the World's Best Products. These products opened our eyes! The paint disappeared, like magic! We had been doing it backwards. We don't need to re-invent the wheel - World's Best have already done it. Luckily we accepted Adam's invitation for a demonstration, because if we hadn't, we would be looking pretty stupid right now.

Tim Lynch 

City of Carlsbad, CA

Before I met Adam at World's Best Graffiti removers we had no choice but to cover over graffiti. Now our mission is to restore every surface to its original condition without damage. When you've tried World's Best….. Why try the rest!

Javier Covarrubias, Graffiti Removal Specialist

City of Glendale, CA

It's the only product we use because we are serious professionals. We've tried others & they don't measure up.

Matt Sekula, Director of Graffiti Removal 

Cook County Sheriff's Office, IL

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