Safety Precautions to take when Using Graffiti Removal & Surface Protection Products

Safety Precautions to take when Using Graffiti Removal & Surface Protection Products

Removing graffiti means stripping paint and dissolving waxes, oils and marker stains. We ask that you familiarize yourself fully with product directions and safety instructions before commencing this type of work. Always remember the following safety precautions:

  1. Keep out of reach of children.
  2. Avoid contact with skin by wearing safety gloves at all times.
  3. Avoid contact with eyes by wearing safety goggles.
  4. Avoid any vapors or mists by ensuring adequate ventilation.
  5. Do not smoke while using product store in a safe dry place away from heat or flame.
  6. Refer to Product Instructions on label, TDS's and SDS’s for more details.

Please follow these additional precautionary measures before commencing any graffiti removal jobs:

  1. Always have a small bottle of water with you for emergency rinsing. Always know where water is located.
  2. Be aware of your colleagues around you. Keep each other safe.
  3. Always arrange your truck to work from the sidewalk side as much as possible.
  4. Always set out safety signs and traffic cones. If cleaning street poles, take a traffic cone with you.
  5. Carry a spare set of disposable overalls. Clothing MUST be removed if chemical spillage on clothing occurs.
  6. Always be comfortable on your feet when applying graffiti removal products. Avoid slippery slopes, heights and applying graffiti out of arm’s reach above your head. If anything looks slightly risky then don’t attempt it.
  7. Beware of leaving little buckets around to be spilt by dragging hoses.
  8. Report any safety issues with equipment and supplies. Don’t leave ‘traps’ for the next team. Take it out of the trailer or mark it unsafe immediately.
  9. Beware of power cords near water runoff. WATER AND ELECTRICITY DO NOT MIX.
  10. Allow at least five minutes for machinery to cool down before refueling. Wipe off any spills carefully before re-starting.
  11. Be sun smart and apply sunscreen, wear long sleeves, use a wide hat and protect your neck and ears.

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Safety Precautions to take when Using Graffiti Removal & Surface Prote